Hiring a Writer

I'm excited to announce that I've hired Anna C. Webster (https://annacwebster.com/) to create the writing and narrative for Ghosts & Lanterns. Anna and I worked on a video game called Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines 2 together at Hardsuit Labs a few years ago. I think her imagination and tone are going to fit the project well, and I'm already giddy to see how the work comes together.

I've gotten some feedback that the Tabletopia version of the game is difficult to play, based on the interface for the site. I totally understand, and I thank people for letting me know! It's still available for those who are stout of heart and willing to spend some time to get to know the interface.

There's a lot of good games on Tabletopia, so if you really are interested, it might be worth signing up and trying some of their other games before coming back to my prototype. If you're looking for a fun and simple game to learn the Tabletopia interface, I recommend the attractive and addictive CuBirds. https://tabletopia.com/games/cubirds

I still plan on making some physical prototypes later this year. I'll be sending these out to folks who can make a commitment to play at least 5 games and then send the prototype on to the next group. Please let me know if you're interested in playtesting with a physical prototype.


Spooky Season


The beginning of the dev blog