The beginning of the dev blog
I’m reposting (with some light editing) my status update emails, as I get ready to start up the dev blog. If you’d like to get the dev blog info first (as well as “insider” information that doesn’t make it to the site, please sign up for my email list.
Note that the working title for this game was “Ghosts & Lanterns”, so you will see that name referenced in the text.
I know it has been a long time since I've given an update on this project. Like many things, the pandemic and associated complications stalled my work on this project for a while.
Here's a brief update of where I'm at with the game/business:
I chose the name Theophilus & Vance, LLC for my company that will be making this game (and perhaps others). The name references some characters from a particular piece of classic haunted house literature that you may know.
I've been building out a version of the game for remote testing and play on the Tabletopia ( board game site.
You can play the alpha version of Ghosts and Lanterns on Tabletopia right now: - There's nothing automatic here, so you'll need to read the rules and invite some friends.
If you do play, I would really appreciate it if you took a brief survey after each game. (This survey still works!)
If you want to give more detailed feedback, you're welcome to email me directly.
I'm currently working to hire a writer to build out the fiction and clean up the mechanics to make them as easy to understand as possible. This year, I hope to have an artist chosen so I can begin fund raising for art and printing costs.